Hi! Welcome to my BLOG!!

Hi! My name is Lucy, and this is my blog!

I’ve wanted to start a blog since I was in 3rd year of high school and we were creating fake blogs in my Admin class. Not really sure what the point of the lesson was but it did instil a longing in me to create a blog. So here I am, 7-ish years later, creating one. 

I am not 100% sure as to what this blog will be about. It will definitely involve books and travelling, as you could have maybe guessed from the name, but beyond that I don’t know. I am viewing this blog as a creative outlet of sorts, mainly because I can’t make more Instagram accounts. I used to love writing and university essays have been slowly chipping away at that love. I am hoping that this blog will remind me of why I loved writing and encourage me to write again. 

I’m hoping that this is something I will stick to and not abandon after a few weeks but who knows? I’m looking forward to writing some blog posts about anything and everything.



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