
On the 18th June 2020, I created my Bookstagram account, @bookswithluce. 

At the time of writing, 14 days after I created it, I have over 550 followers. I have been following bookstagrammers on my main account for years and I have always loved their posts, reviews, recommendations, and basically everything. So I decided to make my own.

For as long as I can remember I have been an avid reader. I will read any book and I’m not picky when it comes to genres. My family read a lot and my friends read a lot too. Most of the books I read when I was younger were recommended to me by my aunt or by two of my best friends, Sophia and Gillian. From their recommendations, I was introduced to Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Divergent series, the Hunger Games, the list goes on and on. I’ve reread these series so many times and I will continue to reread them every few years. 


I take so many pictures of the books that I read, so much so that I created a highlight on my personal Instagram account to document the books I read in a year. With taking so many pictures of books or my bookshelves, I thought that maybe I should post them somewhere. I’ve wrestled with the idea of creating a bookstagram for years but always thought that no one would be interested in it. I wasn’t expecting the bookstagram community to be so welcoming and lovely. Everyone I’ve interacted with has been so nice and encouraging. 

A lot of bookstagram, let’s face it the majority, is people doing book reviews. And a lot of the book reviews are amazing and have led to me adding a ton of books to my “to-be-read” list. I, however, am not a great book reviewer, but I am going to try a little harder. I tend to dislike saying if I really didn’t like a book in case someone else really enjoyed it. I am going to try writing some book reviews at some point for this blog and my bookstagram. They are going to be positive in nature and mostly spoiler free. If I am reading a series, then I will review the series as a whole. For example, I am currently reading the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan so I’m planning on reviewing the series once I’ve finished it. I’m going to try and not write my book reviews in the style of a teenager having to write one over the summer for their English class and more like an adult who actually enjoyed the book that they read. Hopefully I’ll write some shorter reviews for my Instagram and longer ones for the blog. We’ll see how it goes.


For now though, I’m just going to keep reading with wanderlust.



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